Low Sugar Fruit Crisp

This baking thing is fun when you nail the perfect recipe the first time you make it πŸ™Œ I had several people try this in my family before I shared it with all of you because well, they are family and they won’t lie if it tastes like crap πŸ˜‚

I love fruit crisps but the sugar content is outrageous! I came up with this recipe that is both low in sugar and more healthy than the alternative recipes. I think you can swap out the fruits for whatever you have, but keep in mind, the less sweet your fruit is, the less sweet your dish will be. That is why I chose the 2 fruits that I did πŸ˜‰



1 cup of Ranier Cherries- sliced and seed removed

1.5 cups of strawberries- sliced

2 Tbsp pure maple syrup

1 tsp vanilla


1 Tbsp salted butter

1/3 cup cashews (can use walnuts or another nut too)

1/2 cup almond flour

1/2 cup oats

1/8 tsp salt

1 Tbsp brown sugar


1.) Cut up your fruit and toss into a bowl with the syrup and vanilla. Spread in a 8X8 greased baking dish.

2.) Rough chop your cashews or I pulsed mine in a blender.

3.) Add your dry ingredients together in a bowl then fork in the cold butter to make a crisp. Sprinkle the mixture over the fruit and cover with foil.

4.) Bake your crisp at 350 degrees for 30-40 minutes or until bubbling. Then remove the foil and broil on high for 2-5 minutes or until your topping is golden brown.

Serve warm! Enjoy!